Tomasz Snopkiewicz, Jerzy Zych, Marcin MyszkaResistance of materials for patterns and core boxes to the mechanical abrasion – a new test methodAbstractInvestigation results of erosion-mechanical grinding (wearing) of surfaces of foundry patterns (test samples) made of several kinds of materials are presented in the hereby paper. Investigations contained: resins, wood, painted wood and Al-Si alloys. Resistance tests were carried out on the new, author’s device, for testing abrasion-mechanical grinding, in which the abrasion material constitutes a dry foundry sand. Using the sand selected fraction makes test conditions similar to operation conditions of patterns/core boxes at producing moulds and cores. The device allows performing tests while maintaining - on the selected level - such parameters as: pressure on the surface, moving speed of abrasive material, kind of abrasive material and its parameters. Schemes and pictures of the device as well as of the tested samples, are presented in the paper. The comparison of grinding of the tested materials was performed and the results are presented graphically. On the basis of assessing the resistance for erosional grinding the stability and suitability of the given material for patterns/core boxes can be estimated. The results of the pilot investigations are presented in the paper. The new, prototype device allows performing investigations within a wide range of parameters variability and can be recommended for testing other materials operating under similar conditions as foundry patterns and core boxes. This concerns elements of devices in which the process of grain material movements on the surface of structure elements occurs (e.g. at fluidal sand transportation). Keywords: abrasion resistance, friction moulding sand-pattern, removal of patterns from moulding sands, materials for patterns and core boxes, Download 3.53 MB >> |